A sex talk of epic proportions

Posted on June 17, 2011 by


MoSex welcomes a special guest this Saturday to answer everything you want to know about sex on the internet, from the post popular search term on Pornhub.com (“moms”) to the top search terms Google and Yahoo would rather you didn’t know about (“MILFS” outperforms “cheerleaders” 43:1).

Dr. Ogi Ogas is a neuroscientist and co-author of A Billion Wicked Thoughts, literally the largest study of human sexuality in modern history, bumping the ground-breaking Kinsey Reports of the 1950’s to a distant second. Where Kinsey spent years assembling a panel of 18,000 subjects, Ogas and his co-author looked at digital data for over half a billion people.
Join Ogas for a discussion about his findings and a Q&A.

Saturday, June 18


OralFix Bar (downstairs from MoSex)

FREE to attend 

10 Fun facts from their research:

1. We all come wired to respond to certain sexual cues the same way we are wired to respond to taste cues: sweet, sour, salty, savory, and bitter.

2. There are only two significant differences between the sexual interests and online sexual behavior of gay men and straight men.

3. Men are far more interested in looking at penises than women are; especially large penises.

4. Men have an innate urge inherited from our primate ancestors to display their penis; hello Congressman Weiner, Brett Favre, and Kanye West.

5. One of the most popular kinds of erotic stories for women are stories about two masculine men sharing their tender side, falling in love, and having sex.

6. In the male brain, physical and psychological arousal are united. In the female brain, physical and psychological arousal are separated. This fundamental difference in the design of our sexual brains explains much of the differences in sexual behavior of the sexes.

7. The male brain becomes aroused from any single sexual stimulus. The female brain requires multiple stimuli simultaneously or in succession to become aroused.

8. Our brains respond to “erotical illusions” similar to optical illusions: novel combinations of sexual cues that trigger arousal. One male erotical illusion is the heterosexual male interest in “shemale porn.” One female erotical illusion is the female interest in paranormal romance, with Twilight’s Edward Cullen being the quintessential example.

9. Though men prefer younger women, men have very significant interest in women in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and even 60s. There’s a genre of erotica popular all around the world known as “granny porn.”

10. Men prefer overweight women to underweight women.


Dr. Ogi Ogas received his PhD in computational neuroscience from Boston University, where he designed mathematical models of learning, memory, and vision. Ogi was a Department of Homeland Security Fellow and conducted biodefense research at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. He resides in Boston.